A vintage red Case tractor


General Information

For general questions about Pioneer Days,
please call: (320) 845-7410

For immediate information contact Greg Fuchs: (320) 250-7025

Officers and Directors

Please call contacts as listed.

Position Name Phone
President Greg Fuchs (320) 250-7025
Vice President Tom Skudlarek (320) 249-7513
Secretary Kory Wieber (320) 492-3084
Treasurer Kristy Peternell (320) 894-0259
Director John Doll (320) 290-8390
Director Brennan Shay (320) 293-3412
Director Darren Eisenshank (320) 249-6774
Director Jason Pilgram (612) 518-7820
Director Gary Pilgram (763) 516-3556
Director Dwight Kohout (320) 248-2926
Director Natalie Kohout (320) 250-2283
Director Ken Ritter (320) 241-1640


21565 360th Street, Albany, MN 56307

White tractor icon

Celebrating our 51st show!

Join Us for Pioneer Days on September 11-14, 2025.

Tons of exhibits, events, food, music, and more!

Pioneer Days